Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You know you're in Russia when...

  • you hear the T.A.T.U song as someone's mobile ringsignal
  • a murial of Lenin is watching over you as you buy tickets to the metro
  • polite phrases are a waste of time
  • showing both cleavage and bellybutton isn't too much
  • you order a Russian beer with your lunch and you get a complimentary shot of vodka
  • you look up from washing your face in the bathroom only to find an older woman examining you with a burning cigarette dangling from her lips
  • rollerblading is the cool way to glide (even old men with walking frames use them!)
  • fake scaffolding is a good alternative
  • you need to plan in an extra 10 minutes to your metro journey for the ride up/down the escalator
  • you recieve square sheets for a rectangular bed and there is a big hole in your duvetcover
  • when you never can get "Winds of Change" by the Scorpions out of you head.


deltaofvenus said...

Haha, sounds like you guys are REALLY experiencing Russia.

If you manage to pass by a bookstore pick up Jonathan Safran Foer's book "Everything is Illuminated", I think it might be fitting :)

resa said...

hope you got a picture of the old guys with walkers and roller blades!

have more and tons of wonderful and crazy adventures.