Thursday, November 13, 2008

You Know You're in Vietnam When...

- you bring a bikini, sunscreen, poncho and an umbrella to the beach (and actually get an opportunity to use all of them!).

- Vietnamese women on the beach try to persuade you to buy their bracelets by offering you 'happy hour' prices.

- bars can afford to give out free rum and cokes, and hostels ply you with free beers.

- it rains so hard the sole of your flip flop melts away and the rest of it disintegrates into a rainy puddle.

- your tour guide won't let you go swimming until five p.m.

- you pay for a book only to discover that it's photocopied and the last pages are missing.

- you can't leave your toothbrush out without it being invaded by ants.

- avocado is featured prominently on every menu but not a single restaurant will serve you it.

- motorbikes are the only form of transportation, regardless of whether you're carrying a bookcase, a sewing machine, or your entire family.

- cows graze in the middle of the highway.

- some people can't cross the border without dropping their pants to their ankles and flashing their undies to the border officials and an amused crowd of tourists.

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