Friday, September 19, 2008

Conversations in packy panic:

--"So I bought 6 packs of tissues but I accidentally bought menthol. You think that will hurt when used as toilet paper?"'

--"Do you have my bajsbyxor?"
"No, I hung them on Amy's closet."
"Oh. Ok. Phew!"
"Almost had a heart attack eh?"
"Yeah. Kinda."

--"How many pairs of underwear should we bring?"
"I say 7 or 10. Nice resonable numbers."
"Should we go wild and bring an unresonable number such as 8 or 9?"
"No, that just feels wrong."

--"So I have 2 tubes of resorb. How many do you have?"
"Oh dear. We need to go shopping."

--"How do you pack a razor?"
"I know! I mean the heads are fine but how do you pack the actual used razor?"
"Well how about one us brings the actual razor plastic thing and we bring our own heads?"
"Yes, that's good. Let's be in charge of our own heads."

--"How am I going to fit all my stuff in my bag?"
"I dunno. I can fit all kinds of stuff in my bag."
"Do you have a magical bag or something?!"
"No. Maybe you're a bad packer?"

1 comment:

Anna said...

Det fantastiska med de här dialogerna är att det är så väldans enkelt att se vem som säger vad =)