Thursday, September 25, 2008


After much frustration and walking around in giant circles, we've finally found an internet cafe in Moscow. Hurrah! We're quite exhausted after spending all day yesterday being touristy and walking around, and so have wisely decided to chill out here and at Cafe Chai (which may be called something else entirely, but the Cyrillic characters look something like Chai, so that's what we've decided to name it) on our last day in Moscow.

Sitting down is awesome.

Other than that, we've been to Red Square, taken several jumping pictures in front of St. Basil's - as you do - and seen dead Lenin, which was sort of unreal and creepy, been to the Kremlin and got yelled at in Russian for a bit when we - I think - walked someplace we weren't allowed, and continued practicing our Russian. Every now and then Annika will exclaim "restaurant!" when we're walking along the street and see a sign that says PECTOPAH. Exciting!

We've also managed to eat at McD's twice in one day, which made us both very grumpy, and then blow one and a half day's budget on dinner and waterpipe at a lovely Lebanese restaurant. Well worth it.

We live with a lovely Russian lady named Galina who houses lots of Trans-Siberian travellers and makes a very tasty breakfast. Here we've met a crazy Italian by the name of Fabio who speaks very little English, but is travelling all over the world anyway, and a shy Brit who has something like thirteen padlocks on his backpack and has a hard time getting people to understand his northern accent.

Tonight the next leg of the adventure begins, as we board the three-day train to infinity and beyond! (Or to Irkutsk.) We're very excited about spending three days learning new card games and making a ton of friendship bracelets.

1 comment:

jenniforever said...

hey guys! so you've finally embarked on this great adventure half way across the world. you half to update me on ur plans in china. i'm flying home on the 12th of oct. where are you planning to stop? shall i get my hopes up on our paths crossing? love, jen