Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In case we fight...

Clara and I would never fight. NEVER! But in case we do fight there are a number of possibilities of how we can act. We could:

- yell a little bit. Let of some steam after being cautionary quiet while stumbling in at late hours in our dorm rooms never really hurt anyone.

- use the Time Out card. Why fight over dinner eh? Especially if the fight is over whether the candy wrapper is pink or a light red.

- grumble and be silent on the inside over whatever annoys us. Then when asked about it we could yell "NOOO!" and slam the closest door. (Clara)

- be overly straight forward but express ourselves clumsily and make everything so much worse by unintentionally offending someone. (Annika)

- find our individual ipod and sit in our own sphere for a awhile until the worst is over. Then when the need for a hug becomes overbearing make the brave move and go in for the makeup cuddle.

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